High-Quality Science Materials
for Texas Schools
Texas students deserve the best.
Now they can have it.
Great Minds® is excited to announce the new K–5 PhD Science® Texas curriculum.
PhD Science® Texas was born from the new TEKS for science.
Characterized by its unique pedagogical approach, PhD Science Texas allows students to build enduring science knowledge across the grades, modules, and lessons by sparking their natural curiosity about the world around them and empowering them to make sense of it through hands-on, student-driven learning.
Through observation, questioning, modeling, investigation, and evidence-based argumentation, students build knowledge of core science topics and a scientific understanding of how the world works.
Submit the form for exclusive access to the new PhD Science Texas curriculum and the following resources:
- PhD Science Texas Teacher Editions include all lessons and teachers' support items.
- PhD Science Texas Science Logbooks is where students will synthesize the information and reflect on what they're learning.
- Through the Great Minds® Digital Platform, teachers can access facilitation slides, Teacher Edition book content, and assessments while students can interact with digital content or find and review their completed assessments.
- Family Tip Sheets provide module content, a list of all trade books students will read in the module, sample questions to ask, and other activities to extend students' thinking at home.
- Pacing Guides help teachers understand the ways to customize science lessons to maximize science time and instruction.
- Extension Activities provide additional opportunities for students to apply what they have learned.
- Teachers' Knowledge Deck Posters pair with students' Knowledge Deck Cards to build knowledge with engaging images and informational text.
- Benchmarks are additional assessments to test students' knowledge throughout the year (Levels 3–5 only)
PhD Science Texas was approved in November 2023 following the conclusion of the state's 2024 review/adoption of science instructional materials.