Topic Study slides for district and campus leaders/teachers to study the progression of student learning.
Eureka Math TEKS Edition by grade level, module, topic, and lessons to understand when standards are first introduced, reinforced, or completely taught within the Concept Development, Fluencies, Application Problems, and Student Debriefs.
*Please note that this is document is in beta and is actively undergoing updates and refinements.
2024 Released Grades 3–5 STAAR Tests solved with Eureka Math TEKS Edition strategies.
Review pacing guides for every module in Grades K–5 for recommendations from our math team. Pacing suggestions for Grades 3-5 are customized to meet the time frame of STAAR testing. If additional days are required, please use the unique calendar recommendations for combining lessons.
What does success on STAAR look like, not just this year, but for every year? Check out this piece to find out.
This resource ensures reteach is grounded in conceptual understanding of mathematics using the Eureka Math TEKS Edition curriculum. Our team has provided a STAAR 2.0 question solved using models, language, and strategies along with guiding questions for reteach. Explore the suite of resources with our video tour below.
Check out the vignette and instructional delivery methods for Sprints.
Access all of the Eureka Math TEKS Edition Exit Tickets and a tracker to help you monitor student progress.
Learn how to implement Eureka Math TEKS Edition with fidelity.
Learn how you can internalize a module & topic, and see examples of how you can customize your lesson plans.
Preparing to Teach a Lesson from a Story of Units
Lesson Internalization Diagram
View the sequence of each grade-level modules aligned with the TEKS.
View a list of the materials & tools needed to implement Eureka Math TEKS Edition curriculum crafted by the writers broken down by lesson.
View a list of the materials & tools needed to implement Eureka Math TEKS Edition curriculum crafted by the writers.
Support your usage of Eureka Math TEKS Edition with professional development sessions created by the writers of the curriculum.
Get guidance on the process you should use when combining or omitting lessons.
Access the progression of models across each topic, identify readiness and supporting TEKS, and analyze coherence links.
When using this resource:
You can access the supplemental lessons by logging on to the Eureka Math in Sync TEKS Edition platform, selecting a grade level, and scrolling to the bottom of the page.
Check out the fluencies by grade level that are included with Eureka Math TEKS Edition.
Check out the lesson templates by grade level that are included with Eureka Math TEKS Edition.
Check out the observational assessments for kindergarten that are included with Eureka Math TEKS Edition.
Family engagement can contribute significantly to student success in the classroom. A Family Eureka Math TEKS Edition Night is a great way to inspire and engage parents. To make the most of the events, we offer the following resources.
Family Tip Sheets are available at the topic level and include suggested strategies and models, key vocabulary, and tips for how you can support learning at home.
If you want to be notified when new support resources are released or about upcoming professional development sessions, please fill out the form below.