The Why Behind Math




Eureka Math TEKS Edition

In 2020, the Texas Education Agency partnered with Great Minds® to develop high-quality, K–5 materials for Texans. 
Since then schools across the state have seen remarkable gains in student achievement and engagement with Eureka Math TEKS Edition. Read below to learn more about our print, digital, and support resources created specifically for Texas.


Looking for Information on House Bill 1605 and OER Math?

Click the button below to learn more about House Bill 1605, the Instructional Materials Review and Adoption Process, funding sources, and how we are here to continue supporting you.

You will also be able to register for our upcoming webinar series, Preparing for Change: Understanding HB1605, IMRA, and OER Math.

Strong Foundations Support

Learn more about our Strong Foundations Planning & Implementation offerings and get in touch to see how we can support your school or district.



Free Resources to Support Your Usage of Eureka Math TEKS Edition

Access our one–stop shop for all things Eureka Math TEKS Edition. This page is loaded with resources and information that will help teachers unlock the greatness in every child.

Great Minds Teacher Helping Student

Everything Needed to Teach and Do Math

Eureka Math TEKS Edition includes print, digital, and support resources designed to spark student curiosity and provide teachers with high-quality instructional materials to lead every math lesson with confidence.


Lesson plans, course overviews, and videos are shown on small and medium digital devices.


Eureka Math TEKS Edition in Sync® offers daily video lessons and assignments for continuous learning so students can build knowledge if they—or the teacher—have to take time away from class. All print materials are available as interactive texts through Eureka Math in Sync, which provides additional materials that promote continuous learning.

Learn Anywhere Plans are a comprehensive plan that guides teachers through pacing when using Eureka Math TEKS Edition in Sync

Eureka Math Equip™ TEKS Edition is an adaptive diagnostic tool that identifies students' last point of success and seamlessly bridges any gaps in essential foundational knowledge through direct instructional videos, supporting lessons and fluency practice.

Eureka Math Affirm™ TEKS Edition offers an array of formative assessments to help educators gauge and meet students' needs and provides instant scoring and reporting to help track students' progress over time. 

Lesson plans, course overviews, and videos are shown on small and medium digital devices.


Eureka Math TEKS Edition offers a full complement of K–5 print materials for teachers and students.

Student learning takes place across a set of three student workbooks. The Learn and Practice books provide the core materials students need for in-class work, and the Succeed book offers additional problems and Homework Helper sheets for practice at home.

Free Family Tip Sheets are available for every topic that offer suggested strategies and models, key vocabulary, and tips to help families support learning at home.

Homework Helpers support continuous learning by providing step-by-step explanations of how to work problems like those found in students' homework assignments.

360 Protractor

Request Digital Access

Get in touch with your Great Minds Partner to request digital access and for assistance with rostering.