Maintaining Rigor with Eureka Math TEKS Edition®

What does rigorous mathematicsmean to you? When answering this question, many teachers think of how difficult the math is for their students.But...

Multilingual Learners: Improving Access While Maintaining Rigor

When I was in the classroom, I sometimes struggled to prepare lessons that met the needs of multilingual learners, who, like all students, deserve...

Customizing Problems for All Learners

As a district math consultant supporting the implementation of Eureka Math®, part of my charge was to ensure that the curriculum was used as...

Building Mathematical Thinkers, One Application Problem at a Time

When am I ever going to use this in life? My students asked me this question all the time. The truth is, I didn’t know what my students’ futures...

Continuous Learning in Action

The education community has always accepted change and adapted to it. But it’s probably fair to say that we’ve never needed to adjust...

Excellent Instruction in Extraordinary Times

To say that the 2019–2020 school year was out of the ordinary would be an understatement. Because of the pandemic, you’ve taught students from your...

Exit Tickets: Plan, Analyze, and Adjust

Exit Tickets are quick formative assessments that can help you make instructional decisions effectively. But with so many other lesson components,...

Application of the Strip Diagram—A Tool For Problem Solving

STRATEGIES A load of bricks is twice as heavy as a load of sticks. The total weight of 4 loads of bricks and 4 loads of sticks is 771 kilograms. What...

Read-Draw-Write: Making Word Problems Less Problematic

Students need a better approach to word problems than just key words.

The Value of Think Time

STRATEGIES As teachers we are pressed for time. We have what seems like a week’s worth of material in front of us and only an hour to teach it. There...

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