Preparing for a Successful School Year and Preempting Burnout

We’ve all experienced it at one point or another—that feeling where you’ve reached your tipping point and you’re hanging on by a thread. Here are...

Giving Teachers the PD They Need and Want

At the start of the school year, my oldest son got on the bus for his first day of 1st grade, which means he’s trading in his beach towel, bicycle,...

Eureka Math TEKS Edition is Your First Stop for RTI

Response to Intervention (RTI) is an approach to academic intervention that helps educators identify and support the learning needs of individual...

The Struggle is Real (and Productive)

When your students struggle, your instinct may be to jump in and help them. That’s natural. You care about your students, and you don’t want to see...

Strip Diagrams Reveal Underlying Mathematics

A stripdiagram isapictorial model studentscan drawto representa mathematical relationshipor to develop understanding of a mathconcept. Strip...

In Math Instruction, Words Are Just as Important as Numbers

When working with students, choose language that communicates a growth mindset, not a fixed mindset.

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