Explore Week
Exclusive 1-Week Pilot Program for Texas Schools & Districts
Participating in the Explore Week pilot program is a great way to learn how your school or district will be successful with the new high-quality Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math instructional materials.
Great Minds® has developed an exclusive 1-week pilot program that fits into your current instructional sequence and includes all the Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math materials and support schools and districts will need.
Schools and districts participating in the 1-week program will be provided access to:
Instructional Materials*
Teacher Edition Module (PDFs to be printed)
Implementation Support: grade-level PLC recordings led by the Great Minds Implementation Success team and content experts to prepare participants for instruction
*Participants to source their own manipulatives for instruction.
Even just one week of Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math instruction will show you why the instructional materials are the future of Texas math education. Learn more about what to expect and how to prepare for Explore Week below.
Submit the form to access the Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math Explore Week instructional materials and support videos.
Before piloting, you can also read our Reviewer Rubrics which contain documentation on Eureka Math2's alignment to accepted criteria for high-quality, effective math programs. Learn more:
It also may be helpful to learn more about Eureka Math2 and what you can expect from the curriculum.
Do you need to review the program in its entirety to decide? Visit our Curriculum Review webpage and fill out the form to review the program, or talk to your Great Minds representative for details.
Take a look at the module scope and sequence maps (PDF, 154kb) to help you choose an appropriate module to pilot based on the time of year, scope and sequence of current learning, and student needs.
Do you currently use Eureka Math®? Take a look at our module suggestion chart (PDF, 120kb).
What can you expect from a pilot? Dig deeper into the purpose, design, included materials, available support, and evaluation of the pilot experience in this video.
Use the following resources to help you better evaluate the pilot process and to ensure a successful piloting experience.
Do you have any questions you would want to ask our experts? Check out our Frequently Asked Questions for answers to our most-received queries. Are there other questions you have? We’re here to help.