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In-Depth Professional Development

Supporting Initial & Ongoing Implementation Success


Ensuring Implementation Success With Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math

Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math professional development sessions from LASO-approved Great Minds® are designed to empower teachers and leaders to successfully implement with fidelity.

Learn more about the available foundational and sustaining Bluebonnet Learning  K–5 Math professional development sessions below.





Foundational Professional Development Sessions

Designed to ensure a strong initial implementation or for educators new to Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math, sessions focus on building a deep understanding of the learning design and instructional materials.

Launch Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math

To effectively begin using Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math, participants must understand how the high-quality instructional materials support them in applying research-based instructional strategies that build students’ mathematical knowledge. Participants also need to recognize how the instructional materials are structured to support all learners in accessing grade-level content. By exploring the instructional resources that support effective preparation and teaching, participants gain the knowledge and confidence needed to begin using Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math with students tomorrow. 

This session combines TEA Strong Foundations Year 1 Turnkey Sessions I, II, and III:

  • Successful HQIM Implementation
  • Deep Dive Concept Development and Student Debrief
  • Deep Dive Fluency and Application Problem

Module and Lesson Study

During initial implementation, teachers need ample support in studying and internalizing the content in each module they will teach. Teacher also need support in applying their knowledge of the module’s key concepts and learning goals to understand how the topics and lessons build upon one another, providing ways for all students to access grade-level content. In this session, teachers apply the Module Internalization protocol to prepare an upcoming grade-level module. 

This session combines TEA Strong Foundations Year 1 Turnkey Sessions IV and V:

  • Module Internalization
  • Lesson Internalization

Bridge to STAAR: Developing Confident Problem Solvers with Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math

The best test preparation is strong instruction. When teachers employ instructional strategies that support students in making sense of problems, using appropriate strategies and methods flexibly, and making their reasoning visible, students are equipped to work through any problem they may encounter. In this session, participants investigate ways to prepare students for the STAAR test by fostering a classroom environment that helps all students become flexible, confident, and independent problem solvers.

Lead Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math: Observation and Feedback

To effectively support teachers in preparing and teaching Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math lessons, leaders must deeply understand the instructional materials’ approach, intent, and structure. Effective preparation involves studying instructional materials to identify the key concepts students will learn in a module and how the key concepts build over the course of the module’s topics. It also involves internalizing each lesson’s purpose, content, and sequences so that teachers can support all students in meeting the rigor of the standards. In this session, leaders experience and practice transferrable protocols for internalizing module and lesson content so they can facilitate collaborative meetings in which teachers apply the protocols to prepare for instruction. 


Sustaining Professional Development Sessions

Seasoned practitioners who have completed the foundational courses can deepen their understanding of Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math and strengthen their implementation through this advanced coursework.

Major Work of the Grade Band (K–2 | 3–5)

Teaching math as a coherent story of connected ideas is one of the most important – and most challenging – shifts a teacher can make in their instruction. It requires teachers to deeply understand the key mathematical concepts students are expected to learn and how those key concepts build within and across the grade levels. Deep understanding of key concepts and their trajectory equips teachers with the knowledge needed to adjust instruction in the moment and provide multiples ways for students to access, engage with, and learn grade-level content. 

  • Grades K–2*
    Key concepts about numbers, place value, addition, and subtraction lay the foundation for all the mathematical learning in which students engage. This session supports teachers in building their knowledge of the key concepts through exploring the associated models and academic language. It also supports teachers in using their knowledge of the K–2 story to make instructional decisions that address students’ unfinished learning and ensures that all students can access grade-level content.

  • Grades 3–5
    Key concepts about multiplication and division of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals continue the threads started in the K–2 grade band and lay the foundation for students to work with ratios and proportions in middle grades. This session supports teachers in building their knowledge of the key concepts through exploring the associated models and academic language. It also supports teachers in using their knowledge of the 3–5 story to make instructional decisions that address students’ unfinished learning and ensures that all students can access grade-level content. 

Supporting All Learners: Emergent Bilinguals

Bluebonnet Learning K–5 Math has the built-in support necessary for supporting emerging bilingual (EB) students to engage with language-rich lessons. Instructional best practices embedded in the lesson design are paired with linguistic accommodations for building vocabulary, comprehension, and mathematical knowledge. In this session, teachers will expand their knowledge of research-based instructional strategies to leverage the embedded best practices and accommodations that help EB students experience a language-rich, safe, and supported learning environment for learning both mathematics and the English language. 

Note: The Year 2 Strong Foundations session focuses on supports for all learners, whereas this session supports all learners with a special focus on Emergent Bilinguals.

Acting on Assessment & Learning Acceleration

Assessment is the process of gathering evidence about a student’s knowledge of, ability to use, and mindsets toward mathematics and using that evidence to make instructional decisions about next steps in instruction. When teachers embed opportunities for assessment into instruction, they are better equipped to provide just-in-time supports that directly connect foundational knowledge with new learning. In this session, teachers explore the principles of an acceleration approach to address unfinished learning and use evidence from student work to make instructional decisions.

Instructional Habits: Engaging*

Engagement is a crucial element of learning, and learners vary in the ways they feel engaged or motivated to learn. Instruction that prioritizes engagement supports all learners in finding a way into the learning experience, remaining persistent in the face of challenge or failure, and continuing to build mathematical knowledge. In this session, teachers will explore and build habits that work to offer flexibility in how learners engage with the lesson’s content. Making student engagement a priority during instruction will help students develop positive mathematical identities and become more confident and successful in learning mathematics.

Instructional Habits: Monitoring*

Monitoring student responses involves paying close attention to students’ mathematical thinking and solution strategies as they engage with a task. Strategic monitoring allows teachers to collect critical in-the-moment information about students’ developing mathematical knowledge. In this session, teachers will explore and build habits that help them to routinely and purposefully monitor students’ work. They will use the data collected to more effectively adapt instruction that leverages students’ strengths and efficiently addresses opportunities for growth, supporting all students in accessing grade-level content. 

Instructional Habits: Discourse*

Effective mathematics instruction facilitates discourse among students to build shared understanding of key concepts by analyzing and comparing student approaches and solution methods. Meaningful discourse in the mathematics classroom lets students drive the learning by generating, sharing, discussing, and critiquing their own and each other’s ideas. In this session, teachers will explore and build habits that help them promote discourse during daily instruction. Facilitating meaningful discourse supports all students in developing a language for expressing mathematical ideas so that they can explain, justify, and connect ideas. 

*Also available as a personalized coaching/PLC session.